Start afresh in 2024

Dec, 2023

New year resolutions are typically made at the beginning of the year, marking a fresh start and a commitment to self-improvement, and they often revolve around often revolve around areas such as health and fitness, personal development, relationships, career, finances, and more. If you’re sick of making the same new year resolutions, why not try some new ones.

Here are some of our favourite “out of the box” new year resolutions.

Commit to one random act of kindness each day, whether it’s complimenting a stranger or leaving a positive note for a coworker.

Designate specific evenings where you avoid all screens—no TV, phone, or computer. Use the time for creative activities or socialising.

Resolve to try a new, exotic dish or ingredient each week. You can experiment with recipes from different cultures or cuisines.

Challenge yourself to say “yes” to new opportunities, even if they’re outside your comfort zone.

Pretend you’re a tourist in your own town or city. Visit attractions, try local foods, and explore areas you haven’t visited before.

Throughout the year, write down moments of joy or achievements on small pieces of paper and place them in a jar. Open and read them at the end of the year.

Wishing you all a lovely 2024!

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