Summer is a great opportunity to spend more time outdoors with family and friends. But it’s also important to pay attention to your body and the surrounding elements to ensure you stay safe during the warmer months.
Here are our top tips to help keep you and your loved ones safe and happy during the summertime and ensure that you’re prepared for any summer scenario – from water to heat health and fire.
Fire Safety.
During summer there’s an increased risk of fires. So whether you’re staying put or holidaying far from home, keep fire safety top of mind and take the following easy steps below to stay safe.
Water Safety.
Even the strongest swimmers can get caught in a dangerous rip, while accidents around the pool can happen in a heartbeat. Play it safe around water with these tips.
Heat Health.
Extreme heat causes more deaths in Australia than any other natural disaster. If left untreated, extreme heat can cause heat stroke, which is fatal in up to 80% of cases.
The most at risk are the elderly, young children and those with existing health conditions. So take care of yourself and keep an eye on those around you with the following tips.
Be Sun Smart
In Australia we have one of the highest levels of UV exposure – and highest rates of skin cancer in the world. So sun protection measures are recommended when the UV Index is 3 and above.
Try to stay out of direct sunlight as much as possible, especially during the sun’s peak times of 10am – 3pm (Standard time) or 11 am – 4 pm (Daylight savings time). If you do go into the sunlight, try and wear protective clothing including a hat, sunglasses, long pants and a shirt. Slip on some sun-protective clothing that covers as much skin as possible. Slop on broad spectrum, water resistant SPF30+ (or higher) sunscreen. Put it on 20 minutes before you go outdoors and every two hours afterwards. And remember – you can still get burnt on cool or cloudy days. So think UV, not heat.
Stay Snake Safe.
You don’t have to be the Bush Tucker Man to know that with warm summer days now here, snakes are way more likely to be active – especially in the vegetation, wetlands, and open areas around Ashbury.
So make sure you’re aware of your surroundings and follow these four simple rules to stay snake safe summer!