Do you have a child starting primary school in 2024? If so, Warreen Primary School are hosting an online information session on Tuesday 14th November from 6pm.
At the session, you’ll learn more about Warreen Primary School, hear from the principal as well as leading staff and educators to learn more about enrolment, facilities, school values, uniform and more.
We recently caught up with Joanna Stanford and asked what educational facilities the school would offer and we were amazed with program on offer and facilities available to students.
“Our school will focus on foundational core literacy and numeracy concepts, skills and understandings. We’re also committed to delivering high quality inquiry learning, focusing on humanities, science, civics and citizenship and the ethical capabilities. Our specialist programs will be based around STEAM learning and there’ll also be a comprehensive Health and Physical Education Program plus additional extra-curricular activities, to harness the talents, interests and passion of our students.
“When the school opens next year, it will include a library building; 3 learning neighbourhoods; a community hub; hard courts; outdoor play spaces; and a sports field.”
Information session details:
When: Tuesday 14th November
Time: 6pm
Register and submit your questions by clicking here.